Interfaces & Types.

Interfaces define how an object is made. In short, it defines the shape of the object.

interface MyInterface {
name: string;
age: number;
function getUser(props: MyInterface) {
// user search algorithm here...
return user

Extending an interface

Interface can also be extended to another interface.

interface MyInterface {
name: string;
age: number;
interface MyInterfaceTwo extends MyInterface {
city: string;

Optionals in an interface

We can also define a property in our interface as an optional property by putting a ? symbol.

interface MyInterface {
name: string,
age: number
phone?: number

Functions with interface

Here, the function getUser receives an argument of IProps type and returns an object of IUser type.

interface IProps {
userId: string;
interface IUser {
_id: string;
fullName: string;
username: string;
avatar: string;
function getUser(props: IProps): IUser {
const user
// user search algorithm here..
return user


Types are similar to interfaces. The only difference between Types and Interfaces are that Types cannot be extended.

type MyType = {
property: string,
const a: MyType = {
property: 'Some value',

Combining Types

Two types can be combined together by using & symbol like this.

type MyType = {
property: string,
type MyTypeTwo = {
property1: string,
} & MyType
const a: MyTypeTwo = {
property: 'Some value',
property1: 'Some value',

Use bleed for expanding image above